As long as the public continues to sow distrust of teachers students will continue to get more busywork. Challenging teachers about every low grade forces teachers to rely on measurable, “objective” grading, which leads to a lot of completion grades and multiple-choice tests.
The conservative attacks on schools and teachers about “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) and now about “grooming” children to be trans-gender or gay have very broad and constantly-changing definitions that end up encompassing anything their followers might be brainwashed to be up in arms about this week. That ends up excluding anything that even might be controversial from the curriculum and stifles discussions and critical thinking. When the only “safe” curriculum is worksheets and answering questions out of the textbook (all conveniently created and marketed by big corporations, like Pearson, which make huge profits by selling this drivel to schools), students and their families can look forward to day after day of busywork and not much else.