Being a single woman means that none of you in this social circle would ever invite me to anything, and I wouldn't be at the bus stop to be making those social connections (I would have already been at work, setting up my classroom for your children). None of you would consider my existence. But many married parents are happy to treat single female teachers like "the help." I've also been bullied on two different occasions men in my neighborhood while I was alone and walking my dog. The second time, I called out the guy on our neighborhood women's group, only to have the guy's wife rally her flying monkey friends, so that then I had multiple people cussing me out online. Then they started a "no-drama" group that excluded me, so now there's neighborhood news I don't get unless someone shares it with the group I'm in.
Have divorced women considered allying with single women? There probably are some around. It seems like a lot of people get married and then drop their single friends. Then they have kids and drop their friends without kids. Almost everyone I know in my online stayed-single group has lost friends this way. It's interesting that people do that and then, when they get divorced, they wonder where all their friends and allies went. Are there people you used to be friends with, but whom you "lost touch" with after you got married and had kids? Maybe try reaching out to them instead of trying to get traction in the toxic cesspool of catty married people you described.