I've consistently found that the students who are absent most often are also least able to do the work independently. Instead, the people who missed class are the ones. who MOST needed to be in class and hear me explain what to do, and hear me give more elaboration and examples than I can in a written assignment, and see me show them where it is on the course management system and how to turn it in, and for me to see what's on their screens and re-direct them or provide additional help when they're in the wrong place, and to have a chance to ask questions and to hear what other people are asking and then hear my answers. I've even had days when I purposely created a review day or a day to check their work with the rubric and then get peer feedback -- specifically for the students who struggle a bit more -- only to have several of them miss class for various reasons. Even pre-COVID, and I'm sure it's worse now.
People who have difficulties with access tend to have difficulties with access in a variety of formats.